Soil Texture Data

Soil map is a geographical representation showing diversity of soil types and/or soil properties (soil pH, textures, organic matter, depths of horizons etc.) in the area of interest. Soil maps are most commonly used for land evaluation, spatial planning, agricultural extension, environmental protection. For detailed analysis of soil material and texture in the basin, published soil map of Ayad river basin has been collected from National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP). The soil map has geometrically registered to the base data to match Landsat-9 OLI-2 satellite imagery. The geo-referenced soil map has been used to assist in visual classification of satellite imagery for obtaining soil categories. Survey of India (SoI) toposheets (1: 50,000), Landsat-9 OLI-2 satellite imagery, SRTM (DEM) data have been used for updation of soil categories. More than one-third (34.49%) of Ayad river basin is covered by less permeable black clayey soil, other than this soil, brown loamy soil covered 33.02% of area, brown gravelly loam soil covered 20.8% of area, red gravelly loam hilly soil covered 9.77% of area, while red loamy soil covered only 1.92% area of Ayad river basin. With reference to soil depth, approx. 47% of area covered by deep / moderately deep soil (>50 cm), 29%, and 23% of area covered by the extremely shallow soil (<10 cm), and very shallow soil (10-25 cm) respectively, while only 1% of area covered by shallow soil (25-50 cm).



(1) Soil Textures (Berach-Banas Catchment)

(2) Udaipur Soil

(3) Updated Soil Textures (Ayad Basin)

Source:ICAR- NBSS&LUP (National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning), Regional Centre, Udaipur. And India Water Resources Information System (India-WRIS).

Dimension: 1920x1080
Format: JPG


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